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A Message from The Board Chair

                    And The Executive Director

          Touchstone  Family  Association  is  celebrating  a  milestone,  35
          years  of  building  community  and  strengthening  family.    This
          35th  year  will  also  be  a  reflection  and  vision  as  we  move
          forward. It is a year to celebrate with those who are responsible
          for  the  successes  we  have  achieved  and  challenges  we  have
          overcome. Our vision continues to forge our path; it is our goal
          to  help  build  strong,  resilient  families.  That  includes  the
          Touchstone Family. From our Board to our staff we have been
          growing  ‘up’  together  –  raising  each  other  and  our  own

          children.  Many  of  our  Board,  staff  and  volunteers  have
          ‘matured’, very nicely we might add, while working on behalf
          of children, youth and families.  Our community partners have
          been strong supporters of our organization and our families for
          35 years. We have built strong relationships which have been
          integral to our work and successes.  Touchstone would not be
          where  it  is  today  without  the  relationships  we  have  fostered
          over the years with our community partners and all three levels
          of government.

          In  our  35th  year  we  ask  you  -  our  friends  -  to  join  the
          “Touchstone Family” in celebrating the strength and resilience
          of family – the first community we all belong to.


          Maria Salzl,                 Judy Valsonis,
          TFA Board Chair              Executive Director
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