Touchstone Family Association
Strengthening Families • Building Community

Touchstone is a non-profit community based social service agency. We have been providing services to Richmond and nearby areas since 1983.

Our services have primarily focused on preserving and enhancing family relationships. Through qualified staff, we offer a wide variety of professional services to the community.

Our Commitment to Protecting Your Privacy

At Touchstone Family Association, we are committed to safeguarding the personal information you provide to us.  When you consent to us, or professionals acting on our behalf, collecting, using or disclosing your personal information, including that previously collected will only be done with your consent and knowledge and limited to service requirements or as  required/ authorized by law.  
Touchstone will respect your privacy when using technology such as text messaging, email or social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). If you prefer/choose to communicate with your counsellor through these various types of media, your counsellor will limit his/her response to you in an effort to maintain your privacy. This will minimize the use of personal information through electronic communication as it is not always a secure or private means to communicate. You will be redirected to phone your counsellor directly or set up an appointment to meet in person.
You may at any time withdraw your consent, but doing so may prevent us from providing you with the services.

For more information about common risks you should be aware of when communicating through technology, please click here.

If you would like to receive additional information regarding our policies and procedures, contact Judy Valsonis, Privacy Officer:
By Phone: 604.207.5040
By Mail: Touchstone Family Association 
210-3031 Viking Way
Richmond, BC V6V 1W1
Attention: Judy Valsonis, Executive Director
For all other inquires, please contact your counsellor.
We look forward to continuing to service your needs.

Thank you to our funders for their ongoing support for Touchstone Programs and Services

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