Touchstone Family Association
Strengthening Families • Building Community

Touchstone is a non-profit community based social service agency. We have been providing services to Richmond and nearby areas since 1983.

Our services have primarily focused on preserving and enhancing family relationships. Through qualified staff, we offer a wide variety of professional services to the community.

RESET Youth Team


The RESET Youth Team is dedicated to supporting youth aged 13-19 and their families in partnership with the Richmond School District.

RESETing youth on their path through individual and family counselling, group work, school support, and advocacy. We believe positive change is possible and the 'reset' framework guides our everyday practice and more importantly, RESET youth's thinking and goals towards successful outcomes.

All OPEN ACCESS – referrals coming from a variety of sources such as youth, parents, community schools, probation, foster parents, and community agencies.

School Readiness Group - meets every Tuesday through Thursday from 9:30am- 2:00pm.

This support is targeted to Richmond youth who are not enrolled or have compromised enrollment within the Richmond school district. Through small group sessions, we focus on areas such as conflict resolution, emotional management and academic preparedness.

The following outreach to the community is also provided:

School Readiness Group

Individual & Family Counselling / Parent-Teen Mediation

StreetSmarts Program - Youth Mentorship Support

Summer Recreation Group Activities

Transition to Independence

Breaking BARRiers (formerly Stressed Teens)


Click HERE to meet our Counsellors.

For more information and/or to volunteer, contact Carol Hardie.

Thank you to our funders for their ongoing support for Touchstone Programs and Services

BCID Supported H RGB pos United Way BC RBC FutureLaunch R rgb PE