You will be informed as you are oriented to the program that you have rights and responsibilities, while participating in the program, including the right to file a complaint without fear of harassment, financial or personal retribution.

Clients will be supported to feel safe in reporting their concerns and/or complaints, and are encouraged to bring them forward as soon as possible to ensure a timely response and resolution.

Concerns or complaints can be expressed by:

• talking directly to the person you have concerns or complaints about;

• speaking to any Touchstone staff member;

• speaking to the Program Director;

• speaking to the Director of Services, then if applicable,

• requesting a meeting with the Executive Director

Concerns or complaints may be expressed either verbally or in writing, and you can appoint an advocate to assist you in expressing the concern. Where you prefer not to put your complaint in writing, a Touchstone staff member can document the details for you and can submit a TFA Complaint Form on your behalf.

You may also contact your Social Worker to request their support in resolving the issue. You also have recourse to contact the provincial Office of Children and Youth (1.800.476.3933) to file a complaint and seek the Representative’s support to resolve the issue. You can also seek support by contacting the Family Advocate at the Ombudsman office.

Staff will immediatley report any complaints by you to the Program Director, who will report to the Director of Services and Executive Director, whether the concern is resolved or not.

If your complaint has been reported as being already resolved, the Program Director, Director of Services and/or the Executive Director will review the matter to discern if any further action is needed. Such action may include an interview with or an apology to you, an interview with any staff involved, a review of program policy or practises and/or a review with the Association’s management team.

If your complaint has not been resolved, the Program Director, Director of Services and/or the Exectuive Director will intervene to seek resolution to the issue within fifteen business days (after the complaint has been filed).

In the event that a program policy or practice conflicts with the resolution of the issue, the Executive Director can make an exception to practice to accommodate a special need or circumstance.

Where policy is inconsistent with the program objective or the Association’s principles and philosophy of service delivery, or is deemed to be outdated or unjust, the Management team will review and revise the policy or practice, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.


Touchstone will communicate any complaints made by you against our programs and/or staff to the Ministry of Children and Family Development (where appropriate) and the Board of Directors. This will inlcude the outcome of the attempt at resolution of said complaints. The Ministry of Children and Family Development (where appropriate) and Board of Directors shall also be informed of any failure to resolve complaints, to your satisfaction and within the Association’s parameters.

All complaints will be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties within thirty (30) business days, or by a mutually agreed upon time frame (dependent on the scope of the complaint/concern).

Thank you to our funders for their ongoing support for Touchstone Programs and Services