The Family Preservation and Family Reunification program provides a range of counselling and support services for families, youth and children. 

Funded by the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD), our counsellors work with a variety of modalities, and we offer services in the following areas: 
  • Counselling for children including therapeutic art and play therapy
  • Counselling for youth 
  • Teaching parenting skills & child development 
  • Family counselling
  • Parent-teen mediation 
  • Connecting families to community resources 

Our dedicated counselling team is skilled in addressing issues involving child protection, blended family, family preservation work, family of origin work, child abuse prevention, healing, anger management and couples work.


Touchstone provides in-home/office counselling to families in crisis. Family Preservation & Family Reunification Program (FPFR) services are geared to families likely to breakdown without intervention. 
Touchstone works with children, youth and their families on an outreach basis. The services include counselling work with children and youth, teaching parenting skills child development and connecting families to available resources. 
Touchstone provides a crisis intervention service for parents and teens experiencing difficulties  living together. Touchstone counsellors facilitate communication and promote conflict  resolution skills within the family preventing family breakdown. 

For more information contact TouchStone Family Association.

Thank you to our funders for their ongoing support for Touchstone Programs and Services