The following information is provided for you to understand what is done with the information we receive or accumulate about you.  Touchstone Family Association does its very best to ensure any information about you is kept confidential and private.  TFA also wishes to respect and uphold your basic needs and rights.

All information pertaining to you, the client will be held in the strictest of confidence, and TFA affirms the right to privacy for all Association clients.  That is, the TFA staff will keep all matters that deal with you private.  We will only share information with other people such as schools or probation officers if you give us permission to do so.  There are a few exceptions to this rule.  For instance, we share information and report to your social worker/guardian based on your goals of service on a regular basis (if applicable).  Also, all staffs are legally required to report/respond to any suspected incidents of abuse.  Further, if your safety or the safety of others is a concern, we must notify the appropriate authorities.

During the orientation process, you will be asked to sign some consent forms.  These forms are necessary to assist in keeping your information private.  You may be asked to sign a “Release of Information” form; this form will tell you what information we are sharing, and to whom we are sharing it with.  Another form you will be asked to sign is a “Consent to Service” form.  This form simply states that you agree to receive services from the Association.  This form will also indicate that we gather information to collect data and statistics.  This data helps us make Touchstone Family Association a better place for you to receive services.

Thank you to our funders for their ongoing support for Touchstone Programs and Services